29 Roots

Youth Employment Services

innovation, diversity and

Youth Support

Our experienced team of counsellors, social workers and mentors work along side each youth to provide wholistic support for success.

Skills Development

29 Roots has various programs to discover and equip each youth to excel in an identified skilled-trade, occupation or entrepreneurial endeavour.

Employability Training

Our intake process and assessments help identify learning gaps and learning styles so each youth gets the exact help  they truly need.

Program Design

29 Roots works closely with each partner organization to design innovative and appropriate programs to meet the specific objectives of each organization.


Entrepreneurship is a desired path for many youths. Our mentors and coaches help foster and grow ideas into legitimate businesses.

What We Do

1. Operations Overview.

29 Roots Youth Employment Service is an Ontario-based non-profit organization. We undertake measures of operations to improve, the social imbalance between, employment training and workforce labor challenges. Our mission as an institutional employment service is to support and service youth, and neighborhood improvement communities. With accessible employment development opportunities.

2. Priority Focus

Our focus between (2023-2028) is to continually innovate and maximize our employment service structure. By creating more meaningful workforce training programs, also positioning more visible minority youth with career development outlets, and impacting neighborhood improvement areas throughout the GTA. Has an employment professional service, we take pride in this great province of Ontario. We at 29 Roots Youth Employment Services, want to be part of the employment economic solution. Expanding, and engineering more remote employment preparation programs. With structured management oversight.

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