Youth Services

Our purpose as an institutional employment service. Is concrete occupation solution planning? Preparing youth job seekers who face multiple barriers to employment. With quality workforce development employment training. alongside career development and long-term mentoring.

Employment services we offer

Workforce Employment Preparation Training Services

  1. Fast-Track Program
  2. Digital marketing 102 (Advanced)
  3. Customer Service Training Job readiness
  4. Culinary Arts
  5. Apprenticeship And construction programs
  6. Junior analyst IT Program.

Career and Educational Development

  1. Educational Development
  2. Career development planning
  3. One-on-One Coaching and mentoring
  4. Leading-Edge Corporate Training

Our Programs

Fast Track Program

Program Description:

The fast-track program is designed to position youth clients and adults. to become career ready within 6 to 12 months. Program counselors will guide clients with their intake application, and OASP application. Has well has intake to a variety of certificate, and diploma programmes. 

Program duration: 6 Months- 1 Year                            financial support: up to 30,000

Customer Services Training

Program Description:

Our customer service training program is provided to help clients. Understand the nuances, and labor strategies. The program design gives our clients an in-depth approach. Of practices, sales training, marketing, administration etiquette, and more. Also, we would provide direct employee-to-employer support. Helping all participant clients with finding Employment.

Program duration: 4 Months
Program Type: certificate

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